Sunday, March 29, 2009

Will - Opinion

Though I have not quite finnished the book yet, I can still formulate an oppinion of it. I am enjoying the book overall so far, Salaman Rushie has a unique qriting style and it was a nice change of pace from the books we read as a class. He did a very good job of using imagery that helped me visualize the scene and understand the situation. However, because it was so frequent, I often found myself skipping entire passages of description because I was impatient and wanted the plot to move forward. I really have liked the plot so far as well, it is very interesting and it makes me want to read more. I also am enjoying how he gives a lot of background information about the events at the time and things like that, it's really helping me understand what's going on. I think if we had had the same in Things Fall Appart it would be much easier to understand the situations. Overall, I am enjoying the challenge and the novel.

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