Sunday, March 8, 2009


The setting of this story is located in India during the 1900s. There are several stories happening at once. We go from Saleem's life to Aziz. We learn that India is very diverse. It is very easy to picture what India looks like since the author does such a great job describing the scenery. We can see the differences between Kashmiri, a simple country town, and Amritsar, a big city. Reading this has made me want to do a little research on India, so I went to this website and found great information and background history that matched up with the story. I enjoy learning about the different cultures and traditions in India, and comparing them to how I live my life.


  1. YAY I'm your first poster! Haha. Okay, ya i agree with you though, it is a very diverse country, and Saleem/Salman jump around a lot. There is a big difference between the rural and city lives, but that may also be attributed to the difference in time periods.

  2. I agree with you, in that its really fun to learn about the culture of India through the book. Its so different from ours, which makes it so much more fascinating to us American readers. It also makes me wonder the people from India that read books that take place here think that our culture is interesting too or not?

  3. I also definitely noticed the difference in setting from the more rural to city switch. I'm curious about India. I wonder how much it has change from the past to the present (now). It would be interesting to find that out!

  4. I agree. Learning about different cultures is refreshing. Especially those that have misconceptions about them. We haven't really read about India much, and it's exciting to learn about it, during this time period.

  5. I also agree, its always interesting to find out the point of view of other cultures and learn about them. I'll defiently check out that website.
